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Master Test Plan (Template)

Document Master Test Plan

General information

A Master Test Plan is a document that outlines the overall testing strategy, objectives, and scope for a particular software project. It typically includes information on the testing process, test environment, test schedules, and test resources, and is designed to provide a high-level view of how testing will be conducted throughout the project. The Master Test Plan may also include information on how testing results will be tracked, reported, and managed.

About test planning

Test planning is the process of creating a comprehensive plan for the software testing activities to be performed during a software development project. Test planning involves defining the objectives, scope, and requirements of the testing process, and developing a detailed plan that outlines the testing activities, resources, and timeline.

The main objectives of test planning are to ensure that the testing process is effective, efficient, and comprehensive, and that it meets the specific needs and requirements of the software development project. Test planning typically involves the following activities:

  • Defining the scope and objectives of the testing process
  • Identifying the testing requirements, including functional and non-functional requirements
  • Developing a test strategy and test plan that outlines the testing activities, resources, and timeline
  • Identifying the test environment, including hardware, software, and other resources required for testing
  • Identifying and assigning the roles and responsibilities of the testing team
  • Identifying the testing tools and techniques to be used in the testing process
  • Defining the criteria for test completion and acceptance
  • Estimating the resources, time, and cost required for the testing process

Test planning is a critical step in the software development process, as it helps to ensure that the testing process is well-organized, efficient, and effective in identifying and resolving defects and issues in the software system.

About the Test Target / System Under Test

Test Target refers to the system or application that is being tested. It is the specific component or feature of the software that is being evaluated for correctness, quality, and performance. The Test Target can be a single module, a group of related modules, or the entire software application. In order to plan and execute effective testing, it is important to clearly define the Test Target and identify the specific objectives and requirements for testing that target.

(System under test = SUT)

SUT stands for System Under Test. In software testing, SUT refers to the software system or application that is being tested. It is the specific component or product that the testers are evaluating for correctness, quality, and performance. The SUT may be a single software module or a group of modules, or it may be the entire software application, depending on the testing objectives and requirements. The SUT is the primary focus of the testing activities, and the testing process is designed to ensure that the SUT meets the specified requirements and functions as intended.

Test goals and primary needs

The goals of software testing are to:

  • Identify defects and errors in the software: The primary goal of testing is to identify defects, errors, and bugs in the software, and ensure that they are fixed before the software is released.

  • Validate and verify the software: Testing is used to validate that the software meets the specified requirements, and to verify that the software functions correctly and reliably.

  • Improve software quality: Testing is used to improve the quality of the software by identifying and removing defects, and ensuring that the software meets user needs and expectations.

  • Enhance user satisfaction: Testing helps to ensure that the software meets user needs and expectations, and that it is easy to use, reliable, and efficient.

  • Ensure software security: Testing is used to identify and mitigate security risks, and to ensure that the software is secure and robust.

  • Reduce maintenance costs: Testing helps to identify defects early in the development process, which can reduce the cost of fixing them later, and can help to ensure that the software is maintainable over time.

  • Meet regulatory and industry standards: Testing is used to ensure that the software meets regulatory and industry standards, such as safety regulations, privacy regulations, and quality standards.


Release Plan

A Release Plan is a document that outlines the schedule and scope for releasing a software product or application. It is a high-level plan that includes information about the features or functionality that will be included in the release, the timeline for the release, and any dependencies or risks that may impact the release. The Release Plan is typically developed by the project team, and may be updated throughout the software development lifecycle to reflect changes in the project scope, timeline, or requirements. The plan is used to guide the release process, and to ensure that the software is delivered on time, within budget, and with the required features and quality.

Tested Features

Feature headline 2 headline 3

Non-tested Features

Feature headline 2 headline 3

Testing Environments

Maecenas iaculis a libero in tincidunt. Aenean laoreet, arcu non condimentum vulputate, nisl erat vestibulum felis, in vulputate nisi nunc ut nisi. Nam turpis magna, porta venenatis eleifend a, congue vitae diam.

Resources and responsibilities)

l* Direct Link to resource plan

Resource Responsibility Notions Company
Person X Performance testing on vacation in July Firm Oy
Person Y Security testing Travelling in March Firm Oy
Person Z Functional testing
Person Å Experimental testing

Testing Levels

What means testing level?

Testing levels refer to the different stages or levels of software testing that are performed during the software development lifecycle. There are typically four levels of testing:

Unit testing: Involves testing individual software components or modules in isolation from the rest of the software system.

Integration testing: Involves testing the interaction and data exchange between different software components or modules.

System testing: Involves testing the complete software system or application as a whole to ensure that it meets the specified requirements.

Acceptance testing: Involves testing the software system or application from the perspective of the end-user to ensure that it meets their needs and requirements.

Some software development methodologies, such as agile, may also include additional levels of testing, such as exploratory testing, regression testing, and user acceptance testing. The choice of testing levels and the specific testing activities performed at each level may vary depending on the software development project and the specific requirements and objectives of the testing process.

Acceptance Testing

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System Testing

Application is tested as a whole. It is a black-box testing technique that evaluates the overall behavior of the software system, and tests its compliance with the functional and non-functional requirements. System testing is typically performed after integration testing, and before acceptance testing.

The main objective of system testing is to verify that the software system meets the specified requirements, functions correctly, and is reliable and efficient. System testing involves testing the software system in various configurations and environments, and testing its behavior under normal and abnormal conditions. It may include functional testing, performance testing, security testing, and usability testing, depending on the specific requirements of the software system.

System testing is an important step in the software development lifecycle, as it helps to ensure that the software system is ready for deployment and use in the production environment.

System Integration Testing

System integration testing is a level of software testing where multiple subsystems or components of a software system are combined and tested as a group to ensure that they work together as intended. It is a black-box testing technique that verifies the interaction and data exchange between the subsystems, and tests their compliance with the functional and non-functional requirements.

The main objective of system integration testing is to identify and resolve any issues or defects that arise due to the interaction between the different subsystems or components. System integration testing is typically performed after unit testing and module testing, and before system testing.

System integration testing may involve the use of test stubs and test drivers to simulate the behavior of the missing subsystems or components. It may also include testing of the system interfaces, communication protocols, and data exchange mechanisms. System integration testing is an important step in the software development lifecycle, as it helps to ensure that the software system is integrated correctly and functions as a cohesive unit.

Module / Component Testing

Component/Unit testing is a level of software testing that involves testing individual software components or modules in isolation from the rest of the software system. It is a white-box testing technique that focuses on verifying the functional and technical correctness of each component or module.

The main objective of component/unit testing is to identify defects or errors in the code of individual components or modules before they are integrated with other components or modules. It involves writing test cases for each component or module, and testing them against expected outcomes.

Component/unit testing is typically performed by developers during the software development process. It may involve the use of automated testing tools, and may include testing of various aspects such as inputs, outputs, internal data structures, boundary conditions, and error handling.

Component/unit testing is an important step in the software development lifecycle, as it helps to identify defects early in the development process and reduces the cost of fixing them later. It also helps to ensure that each component or module is working correctly before it is integrated with other components or modules.

Testing and troubleshooting processes

Vestibulum molestie diam sit amet pretium pharetra. Praesent sagittis auctor convallis. Nulla augue sapien, ornare vel suscipit id, commodo id diam. Aliquam lorem urna, maximus in pretium pharetra, mollis eu lacus. Nam nunc erat, aliquet rutrum ultrices quis, fermentum vitae metus. In at nibh eu dui ultrices ultrices. Vestibulum mi mi, ultricies sed maximus eget, ultrices at nibh. Aenean vel turpis eu quam laoreet lobortis in eget tortor. Nunc vel arcu accumsan, finibus erat at, hendrerit elit. Ut fringilla eros a sollicitudin tincidunt.

  • General acceptance criteria?
  • General rejection criteria?

Chosen test strategy

In at nibh eu dui ultrices ultrices. Vestibulum mi mi, ultricies sed maximus eget, ultrices at nibh. Aenean vel turpis eu quam laoreet lobortis in eget tortor. Nunc vel arcu accumsan, finibus erat at, hendrerit elit. Ut fringilla eros a sollicitudin tincidunt.

Test tools and software used

Functional Testing

Phasellus dignissim tempor ipsum in rhoncus. Vestibulum eget mi sed arcu sollicitudin rutrum euismod ac nunc. Maecenas auctor tincidunt magna sed ullamcorper. Aliquam erat volutpat. Pellentesque neque mi, venenatis ut vestibulum at, elementum vitae libero. Maecenas iaculis a libero in tincidunt. Aenean laoreet, arcu non condimentum vulputate, nisl erat vestibulum felis, in vulputate nisi nunc ut nisi. Nam turpis magna, porta venenatis eleifend a, congue vitae diam.

Performance Testing

Phasellus dignissim tempor ipsum in rhoncus. Vestibulum eget mi sed arcu sollicitudin rutrum euismod ac nunc. Maecenas auctor tincidunt magna sed ullamcorper. Aliquam erat volutpat. Pellentesque neque mi, venenatis ut vestibulum at, elementum vitae libero. Maecenas iaculis a libero in tincidunt. Aenean laoreet, arcu non condimentum vulputate, nisl erat vestibulum felis, in vulputate nisi nunc ut nisi. Nam turpis magna, porta venenatis eleifend a, congue vitae diam.

Security testing

Security testing is a type of software testing that is focused on identifying and mitigating security vulnerabilities and risks in a software system. It involves testing the software system to ensure that it is secure and can resist unauthorized access, attacks, and data breaches.

Security testing typically involves the following activities:

  • Vulnerability testing: Involves testing the software system to identify vulnerabilities in the system that can be exploited by attackers.

  • Penetration testing: Involves simulating an attack on the software system to identify its strengths and weaknesses in terms of security.

  • Risk assessment: Involves identifying and evaluating the risks associated with the software system, and developing strategies to mitigate those risks.

  • Authorization and authentication testing: Involves testing the access controls and authentication mechanisms used in the software system to ensure that they are working correctly.

  • Data confidentiality and integrity testing: Involves testing the software system to ensure that it can protect sensitive data from unauthorized access, modification, or deletion.

  • Network security testing: Involves testing the network infrastructure used by the software system to ensure that it is secure and can resist attacks.

  • Compliance testing: Involves testing the software system to ensure that it complies with applicable security standards, regulations, and laws.

Security testing is an important step in the software development process, as it helps to ensure that the software system is secure and can protect sensitive data and information from unauthorized access or disclosure.

Availability testing

Phasellus dignissim tempor ipsum in rhoncus. Vestibulum eget mi sed arcu sollicitudin rutrum euismod ac nunc. Maecenas auctor tincidunt magna sed ullamcorper. Aliquam erat volutpat. Pellentesque neque mi, venenatis ut vestibulum at, elementum vitae libero. Maecenas iaculis a libero in tincidunt. Aenean laoreet, arcu non condimentum vulputate, nisl erat vestibulum felis, in vulputate nisi nunc ut nisi. Nam turpis magna, porta venenatis eleifend a, congue vitae diam.
