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Template testcase

This is an example of a test case. You should consider using a more suitable tool for test planning and management, for example Testlink

A test case is a set of conditions or steps that are designed to test a specific functionality or feature of a software system. Test cases are used by software testers to verify that the software system is working correctly and meeting its requirements.

  • Each test case typically includes the following elements:
  • Test case ID: A unique identifier for the test case.
  • Test case description: A description of the functionality or feature being tested.
  • Test inputs: The specific data or input that will be used to test the functionality or feature.
  • Expected results: The expected outcome or result of the test case.
  • Actual results: The actual outcome or result of the test case.
  • Pass/fail status: Indicates whether the test case has passed or failed.
  • Test environment: The specific environment or configuration used for the test.

Test cases are an important part of the software testing process, as they help to ensure that the software system is working correctly and meeting its requirements. By creating and executing test cases, software testers can identify and fix defects and issues in the software system, and ensure that it is functioning as intended.

Test case ID : TCID1234

  • Test case designer: name
  • Date of creation : 26.0x.20xx

Update history

  • version 0.1 - 26.0x.20xx - Narsuman - test case created

Test case description

What are we testing?

Source for the test

What is the test based on? List any relevant features or requirements here.


  • What should be ready before running the test?

Test Steps

Step and expected result

  1. Step
  2. Step
  3. Step
  4. Step
  5. Step
  6. Step
  7. Step
  8. Step

To be taken into account during test

  • notion 1

PASS/FAIL Criteria

  • PASS:
  • FAIL: